We're truly sorry that you've had to bring up a concern. Rest assured, we'll do everything in our power to figure out what happened and make things better for you.

How do I complain?
Speak to us directly
You can speak directly to any member of staff to raise your concerns or complaint.
Email us
You can email us at
In your email please tell us your name, the patient’s name (if required), the date of the consultation and what your complaint is about.
Write to us
If you prefer to write to us then please direct your letter to:
Dr. Dropin Complaints Manager
498 Fulham Road
What happens with my complaint?
Our goal is to address all your concerns promptly and to your complete satisfaction, following these steps.
Step 1
We'll make sure to confirm that we've received your concern within three business days after getting it.
After we've thoroughly looked into your issue, we'll send you a detailed written response within ten working days from our initial message to you. If, for any reason, there's a delay, we'll keep you informed.
Step 2
If you are not satisfied with our response, we will offer you a meeting with the Registered Manager to discuss your concerns further.
Step 3
If you are not satisfied with the outcome or seek arbitration; you can contact the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication service (ICSAS). More information is available here:
Step 4
We are regulated by the following organisations:
- The Care Quality Commission (CQC) in England
You can escalate your concerns to the CQC if:
- You are not satisfied after our internal investigation
- You don’t feel we have met any of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 regulations
The CQC can also accept complaints at any time from a complainant.
Care Quality Commission England
Making improvements
We handle all complaints with the utmost confidentiality and fairness. Each complaint is recorded. We then analyse the volume and nature of complaints we receive, combining this data with insights from customer surveys. This process aids us in consistently enhancing the quality of service we offer to our valued customers.