Questions? Contact us on 020 3962 2083

See a digital Dermatologist

Skin problems? Book in with a leading online Dermatologist. Diagnose and treat skin problems without leaving your sofa. Our online Consultant Dermatologists are provided by skindoc, a member of the Dr.Dropin group.

  • Easy and affordable
  • Video consultation or photo upload service
  • Fast treatment
Dermatologist seeing a patient digital
Missing alt£170/130
Advanced Acne Treatment

This option is designed specifically for those looking for advanced acne treatment. Acne can be an irreversible scarring condition and needs rapid treatment to prevent this. Our UK-based expert Consultant Dermatologists have access to all available acne treatments.

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Video Consultation

Booking a live video consultation with one of our doctors will give you 1:1 care with your Consultant Dermatologist, informational material, personalised clinical letters, a prescription, and extended-hours administrative support.

*£170 first time | £130 follow-up

Missing alt£65
Photo Upload Service

Answer carefully crafted questionnaires and upload photographs. A quick and affordable option available 24/7, every day of the year. It’s a kind of ‘one-stop-shop’ for skin issues that may concern you or you need treatment for quickly.

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  • Our Consultant Dermatologists are provided by skindoc – a leading UK Dermatology service
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  • Dr. Dropin is the leading independent healthcare provider in Norway, having treated over 1.5 million patients and continuing to grow