See a digital Dermatologist
Skin problems? Book in with a leading online Dermatologist. Diagnose and treat skin problems without leaving your sofa. Our online Consultant Dermatologists are provided by skindoc, a member of the Dr.Dropin group.
- Easy and affordable
- Video consultation or photo upload service
- Fast treatment

This option is designed specifically for those looking for advanced acne treatment. Acne can be an irreversible scarring condition and needs rapid treatment to prevent this. Our UK-based expert Consultant Dermatologists have access to all available acne treatments.

Booking a live video consultation with one of our doctors will give you 1:1 care with your Consultant Dermatologist, informational material, personalised clinical letters, a prescription, and extended-hours administrative support.
*£170 first time | £130 follow-up

- Dr. Dropin, Norway's leading independent healthcare provider, has treated over 2 million patients and continues to grow. Dr. Dropin acquired skindoc as part of its UK expansion.

- Our Consultant Dermatologists are provided by skindoc – a leading dermatology provider.