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Created: 03.08.2023

Updated 22.12.2023

Approved by: General Practitioner, Dr Binita Parmar

Rosacea is a chronic inflammation that causes redness in the face and neck, especially across the nose and cheeks.Episodes occur with sudden redness, episodes that can last up to five minutes. Eventually, the skin on the forehead and over the nose and cheeks may become more persistently red and somewhat swollen. Without treatment, the inflammation can cause stinging and sometimes lead to irritation of the eyelids and area around the eyes. The cause of Rosacea is not yet known.


Sometimes rosacea can lead to visible blood vessels on the surface of the skin that you want to remove. If the redness from pimples bother you, you can ask our doctors for advice.

There is also a subtype of rosacea called Rhinophyma which, by thickening the sebaceous glands and skin, can cause the nose to become large and lumpy. This can also be treated.

Topical treatment with ointment can reduce the swelling, but it may take a few weeks. Ask the doctor which treatments are best. You must not treat yourself with steroid cream to reduce the swelling, as this can make Rosacea worse.

Other recommendations are to avoid the sun, avoiding soap and using moisturiser, preferably without perfume. You should also be aware that Rosacea is sensitive to heat, cold, hot drinks, spicy food, exercise, alcohol and stress.


There is no cure for rosacea, but the inflammation in the skin can be treated as described above. The dermatologists at Dr.Dropin can provide medical advice, treatment plans, prescriptions, and further referrals if needed, either in the clinic or through a video consultation or via uploading a photo.

General Practitioner

At Dr.Dropin our experienced GPs provide a wide range of primary care services, similar to those provided by the NHS, either in the clinic or through video consultations.


At Dr.Dropin, you will receive specialist care from our expert Consultant Dermatologists provided by skindoc. With extensive experience from both public and private hospitals, we can assess and treat most chronic and acute skin disorders – either in the clinic, through video, or via a photo upload service.